Wednesday, June 20, 2012

More comments from GDYO about tour

Excited to see Prague and to play our next concert, which hopefully will be a bit more cohesive than our last. Excited to be on the road to Prague. I thought that the Mussorgsky was the best part of our first concert. Undecided about the Xi Wang.  The trip so far has been amazing and its only been a few days. I'm sure Prague will be life changing and I can't wait to see everything there. As this is my first trip in Europe, I am only beginning to realize the true beauty of the outside world. I aspire to in courage any family to travel here someday, to experience the new found love I have developed for this place. Though the trip has only begun, every aspect has captured my attention and I can only imagine how many more are waiting in the near future. Not only have the sights made this trip extraordinary, but the music has as well. Never before have I played in a group with such high caliber, and I am honored to play with and listen to some of the best musicians I will ever meet. My only request is that the trip last 1 more day.... I really enjoyed seeing all the scenery! The castle was beautiful. I can't wait to see Prague! Salzburg was beautiful. All the places we've been have been lovely, and the first concert was a lot of fun. Can't believe it's already day 5. Wow! This has been amazing. I feel like by the end of the trip I will be a somewhat different person. The scenery is just stunning and the culture is magnificent. It's fun to see the difference between Europe and the U.S. I love Europe! I think Munich is on of the coolest cities ever. It's so clean and chic and very international. The food here is delicious, and it's very modern.  Salzburg was my favorite! McDonald's was not. - Chris Germany is awesome possum - Erin This is a great trip, and the concert was fantastic! - Ujwal I'm glad people chose our concert over watching Euro Cup Soccer. - Lawrence McDonald's tasted so much better in Germany. - Daniel I love Germany! The tour's been great so far. Can't wait for Prague! - Allison Beck Germany is such a beautiful country. All the trees are so gorgeous. I like the noise deflectors on the highway. The U.S. needs to invest in some more of those - Megan Wright Note to self: Don't fall asleep on the bus; subject to victimization and unflattering photos. - Rooha Khan This bus ride is significantly more scenic than one in Texas - Holly With all of the delicious bread here, I don't understand how these Europeans stay so skinny. - Caitlin Clapping, so much clapping! Stop clapping..I don't even have Capriccio  out -  I open the door to a store. German: Danka! Me: De Nada? - Drew This trip is incredible! Germany is beautiful and the history behind everything intensifies the experience. - Trevor Meagher The McDonald's here is delicious - Christian Olson This trip is an experience these kids will never forget. Kudos to their parents for making sure their son or daughter has gotten to do this! These kids are so precious to me and I'm loving getting to know them as much as I'm loving Germany and it's sights, culture and people - Laura Olson

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